Iris had taken upon herself the mission of voicing the unvoiced women of the bible. She started with creating the exegesis of Akeidat Sarah, which led to a soulful composition; continued with compositing "Tfilat Geshem" to the text of Imahot; a Kina - Lament for Rachel and a Song Cycle for Ruth. Then Iris embarked upon her biggest composition adventure. For her thesis, she explored the ancient Hebrew texts of Yehudit, and based on her work, wrote a libretto and composed the first modern Chazzanut Opera - Yehudit.


In the educational front, Iris is an Early Education music specialist, and pre pandemic taught and song led at several preschools in NJ and NY. She has been teaching Judaics and Hebrew in a few Synagogues' Hebrew schools, as well as Hebrew for adults classes for the URJ, and for the Rabbinic students of HUC. Always passionate about Hebrew, Tfilah and Torah, Iris is very dedicated to each class and tunes in to each Ben Mitzva she "adopts" for their spiritual journeys. In Jewish summer camps Iris served as a counselor, song leader, Music director and Theatre director.

Academic Credentials

Iris academic credentials start with graduating Rubin Conservatory in Haifa, in Piano, Flute & Voice. Iris earned a Bachelor of Arts in music and honors program on the Dean’s list Summa Cum Laude, followed by an MA in Education Magna Cum Laude from Haifa University, Israel. She pursued Graduate Studies in opera, at Tel-Aviv's Buchman Mehta School of Music. Iris had received her Masters of Sacred Music from Hebrew Union College Debbie Friedman School of Sacred Music, and was ordained as a Cantor in 2024.

Iris Karlin, a native Israeli, is an internationally acclaimed soprano, song leader, worship leader, director, conductor, composer, and educator.

Iris started her musical path as a pianist and flutist, and as she started singing she moved from rock to musical theatre to operettas and operas. She was praised for her rare combination of stage presence and musicianship by critics and conductors alike. She continued to direct and conduct choirs, theater productions, and kids' shows. Studying at Hebrew Union College, Iris served as student cantor at Congregation Adas Emuno, Leonia NJ 2020-2022, and at Temple B'nai Israeli, Clearwater, FL 2022-2024. In her years of studies at HUC Iris had been composing and distributing liturgical contemporary music to Reform Synagogues, and had won prizes for excellence in composition. Iris is grateful to serve Congregation Shir Ha-Ma'alot, Irvine, CA as their Cantor.


Cantor Iris Karlin

Directing/Conducting credits:

Iris was always passionate about conducting choirs, and after building and maintaining for 3 years a volunteer choir of 65 at the University of Haifa, she saw it as a mission to build communities through music, and put together a few more adult volunteer choirs for Jewish organizations, amongst which - Bney-Brit Choir, and the Welfare Office Choir. The last (and current) that she is very proud of, is her 18-member choir at her pulpit in Florida. Iris also engages community members in making instrumental music together, and leads bands of all ages, inspiring non-professional musicians to participate in worship and programs.   


During the pandemic, Iris directed and video edited with the Hebrew school kids a full production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. Prior to her pulpit work, she directed kids off Broadway Gilbert & Sullivan shows (some appeared at WQXR) such as Iolanthe, H.M.S. Pinafore, Pirates of Penzance, Mikado, and adults community theatre productions: New York Lyric - Marriage of Figaro, Pacific Encore Performances - Gypsy Fest, Carmen, The snow maiden and "Pops, Musical Theatre and Opera" at Carnegie Hall.

At her current pulpit, Iris is joyfully conducting the Adult Choir - ShoHaM, as well as the youth choir - Mah NiSHMa, the kiddie choir - MiSHMiSHiM and the youth band SHMaltz.